Soledad Córdoba

Utiliza la fotografía como medio para representar nuevas realidades y como herramienta para arrojar interrogantes sobre la existencia del ser humano. Su obra se centra en la idea de transcender la realidad a través de la poética de la imagen con fotografías despojadas de su particularidad, lugares, escenarios y personajes (autorretratos) sustraídos de toda definición objetiva pero sí convertidos en signos, nodos y enlaces por un universo que se desprende de la realidad y que se fusiona con lo imaginario, lo poético y lo evocador.


She uses photography as a means to depict new realities and as a tool to raise questions about the existence of human beings. Her work focuses on the idea of transcending reality through the poetics of the image, featuring photographs stripped of their particularities—places, scenes, and characters (self-portraits) devoid of any objective definition but transformed into signs, nodes, and links within a universe detached from reality and merged with the imaginary, the poetic, and the evocative. Her recent works are intimately linked to the elements of nature, serving as an invitation for reflection on it and fostering a silent dialogue between the human who inhabits, observes, and sometimes harms it. Her works consistently navigate the realms of the dreamlike, with a clear intention of creating visual poems where beauty, silence, pain, fear, uncommunication, and the quest are present.


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